Saturday 20 Feb 2010
Item Published:
01 February 2011
Vigyana was first introduced to Yoga in 1995 by my mum. I soon found that with regular practice my flexibility, balance, strength concentration improved. I discovered the subtler, more precious benefits when I began practicing Yoga, Qigong Tai Chi under the guidance of Dr Henry Naiken whilst spending a year in the Seychelles.
In 2000 I auspiciously met Vedantananda (Veronica Burningham), and enrolled in her British Wheel Foundation Course. Vedantananda introduced me to the teachings of Swami Satyananda this is the tradition of yoga in where my heart lies and my own teachings are rooted. I went on to absorb as many teachings as possible by attending workshops/retreats with Swami Pragyurmurti, Swami Vedantananda, Swami Satyaprakash, Swami Nischalananda the inspiring teacher Jayadhara. My foundation in yoga was being firmly laid. I knew that I wanted to study yoga further that yoga was an integral part of my being.
In 2005 I started my teaching journey by being accepted on the Teacher Training Course at Mandala Yoga Ashram in Wales. At this time I also started to work supporting adults with Learning disabilities, and saw the potential benefits that yoga would provide to the people I was supporting. Here I had the opportunity to develop ways of communicating yoga on different levels. I also attended a 4 day course led by Maria Gunstone who developed teaches the You Me system of yoga for people with special needs. I continue to will continue to learn through teaching, as well as by attending my own weekly yoga class, workshops, retreats by spending time at my spiritual home The Mandala Yoga Ashram, most importantly giving myself time to just sit each day.
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