Yoga in West Yorkshire

Yoga in West Yorkshire

Supporting Satyananda Yoga across the UK and Ireland.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Four Chapters on Freedom contains the full Sanskrit text of Rishi patanjali's Yoga sutras as well as transliteration,translation and an extensive commentary.The Yoga Sutras,containing 196 epithets or threads of Yoga,is the most respected treatise on Yoga.In his commentary on each verse,Swami Satyananda Saraswati fully explains the text and the path of raja yoga.

Serious yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers will find invaluable guidance within these pages.

Price: £0.00
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Numer in stock: 2
Item type: Books
Weight in Kg: 2
Order Name: Four Chapt
Order code: 62

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