Yoga in West Yorkshire

Yoga in West Yorkshire

Supporting Satyananda Yoga across the UK and Ireland.

Dr Swami Shankardevananda

This book is divided into three sections: cause, cure and practices. The first section describes the basic physiology of the cardiovascular system and the various causes of hypertension including psychological and pranic influences, lifestyle, stress and heredity. The yogic view is discussed in depth along with that of modern medicine. The second, section on management, explains the yogic way to reduce blood pressure to normal levels through the practice of yoga, supplemented by lifestyle and mind management. The last section contains a weekly chart of yoga techniques, followed by clear instructions for individual practices. Finally low blood pressure is dealt with in an appendix along with diet.
Price: £0.00
Order Information:
Numer in stock: 2
Item type: Books
Weight in Kg: 3
Order Name: Hypertensi
Order code: 64

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