Yoga in West Yorkshire

Yoga in West Yorkshire

Supporting Satyananda Yoga across the UK and Ireland.

Swami Satyasangananda and Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Many people have argued that a guru is not necessary, because the real guru is already within us. This is true, but how many of us can claim to hear, understand or follow his instructions? In fact, most of us even tend to doubt his existence. How many of us can discriminate between the real inner guru and the monkey mind, acting out the dictates of the ego? This inspiring book is written in two parts: the first by Swami Satyasangananda, who accompanied her guru, Swami Satyananda, on his tours as he enlightened his followers on the science of yoga. It contains chapters on: how to recognise a guru, types of gurus, types of disciples, negativity towards the guru, initiation, and many more. The second section contains a selection of satsangs and talks on: linking with the spirit of the guru, surrendering the ego, secret of transmission, every guru is a light, guru is not a policeman, and many more.
Price: £0.00
Order Information:
Numer in stock: 3
Item type: Books
Weight in Kg: 3
Order Name: Light on G
Order code: 68

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