Yoga in West Yorkshire

Yoga in West Yorkshire

Supporting Satyananda Yoga across the UK and Ireland.

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

The third volume of Yoga Sadhana Panorama presents discourses and satsangs given by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in 1997 in Mumbai, India; in Aix-les-Baines and Aube, France; and in Slovenia. Covering a broad spectrum of Yoga, including philosophy, practice and lifestyle, this book is a valuable source of guidance and teaching for all yogic aspirants. Topics include awakening the dormant potential of the mind; evolving the awareness through pratyahara, dharana and dhyana (including class practices); health and applied yoga; spiritual life; and karma yoga in Chapter three of the Bhagavad Gita.
Price: £0.00
Order Information:
Numer in stock: 2
Item type: Books
Weight in Kg: 1
Order Name: YSP Vol 3
Order code: 90

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