Lasson - Little

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I am the stage manager! of a stage on wheels. What they ment was I had to push it.

Preston was the nearest town to college, so most of the out of college activities took place there. Shopping, transport links to the wider world, meeting and amature drmatics. I was involved in several things, usualy behind the curtains and very minor parts. In one production (Fiddler on the Roof) I managed to play six different roles and not one word spoken? Though I did have to do the bottle dance, you know the one where you have to try and keep a bottle on your head as you dance??

It was in Preston where I had one of my summer jobs, working on a Adventure Playground, this is where you were given a pile of junk and told to entertain the children for the summer and keep them out of trouble. The problem was the adults felt our junk was better than what was in there houses and would come and raid us during the night and we would come in the next day and find a whole lot of different junk to work with.

the continuing story.

Preston foto's