Yoga in West Yorkshire

Yoga in West Yorkshire

Supporting Satyananda Yoga across the UK and Ireland.

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Austrailian Ashram
Welcome to Satyananda Yoga Australasia.
Satyananda Yoga is an internationally renowned system of integral yoga that is suitable for everyone, from beginners to adepts. It is an evolving yoga that is grounded in tradition, yet adaptable to the needs of today. This system of yoga was developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, with the aim of spreading yoga from door to door and shore to shore. On this site you will find a range of tools in the form of classes, retreats, resources and inspiration to help support the unfolding of physical health, mental peace and spiritual understanding that Satyananda Yoga brings.

WEB Address:
Bihar Yoga
About Bihar School of Yoga
The Bihar School of Yoga was founded in 1964 by Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati to impart yogic training to householders and sannyasins alike.
The Yoga techniques developed there are a synthesis of many approaches to personal development, based on traditional vedantic, tantric and yogic teachings in conjunction with contemporary physical and mental health sciences. Today, these techniques are taught by Bihar Yoga Bharati and also by Satyananda Yoga Academies in Australia and Colombia and through the programmes outlined below.

WEB Address:
German Satyananda Yoga web site.
Willkommen bei Satyananda Yoga in Deutschland!
ir wünschen ein glückliches Jahr 2013!
Die Bihar School of Yoga, Indien, ist mit ihrer integralen Yoga und Tantra Lehre unter dem Namen Satyananda Yoga weltweit vertreten.
Der Sitz des Satyananda Yoga Zentrums e.V. ist in Köln. Hier werden Kurse und Seminare zu verschiedenen Themen, z.B. Yoga Nidra, Pawan Mukta Asana u.a., angeboten.
Dem Verein mit der Yogaschule ist der Anandaverlag mit Onlineshop angeschlossen. Hier sind alle Publikationen der Bihar School of Yoga erhältlich, viele davon auch in Deutsch.
Satyananda Yoga (Artikel "Was ist Satyananda Yoga?" im Archiv) umfasst Yoga Übungen für einen gesunden Körper, Yoga als Hilfe zum 'Mind-Management' und Yoga für den spirituell Suchenden.
Wir wünschen viel Freude beim Suchen und Entdecken.
Wir sind dankbar für jede Art von Anregung, für Kommentare und Fragen.

WEB Address:
Web site of Swami Vedantananda Saraswati
Welcome to the website of Swami Vedantananda Saraswati. Retreats and teacher trainings are held at her retreat centre in the stunning area of Poio do Acor.
Poio do Acor is a remote and rustic retreat space with wonderful views of the soft rolling mountains of the Monchique Serra. It is the perfect environment for reflection and deepening of one's self practice and to re-connect with nature.

WEB Address:
Yoga Magazine
YOGA magazine is published by the Bihar School of Yoga. It contains articles and information about the Bihar School of Yoga, Sannyasa Peeth, Rikhiapeeth, Ganga Darshan, Bihar Yoga Bharati and other affiliated Satyananda Yoga organisations.

WEB Address: